PrincessJieJie and PrincessMeiMei

PrincessJieJie and PrincessMeiMei

Monday, December 6, 2010

in america

Tis my first post in US. Just came back from dinner. It is only 8pm, i have jet lags
so tired. gonna sleep now!
PS: we're going to Disneyland tmr.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 2 at Disneyland

Dumbo was our first ride today. It was a silly ride. It just went up and down, up and down, round and round, round and round. That's all.

King Arthur's Carousel was next. It was equally lame. It just went up and down, up and down,round and round, round and round. (hey that makes a good lyrices for a lame song).

I like the Tea Cup Mad Hatter better. We didn't go up and down, up and down. We just went round and round, round and round.

We finally saw the Princesses today. We met Tara, Ariel and Belle.

"Choo! Choo!" We heard the sound of the train and decided to get on it. Guess what? We went round and round, this time around Disneyland. We got off at Tomorrowland. Mei Mei asked where's Todayland. Lame.

Accidentally, we went shopping. And accidentally, we bought Mickey mouse hairclips, a computor bag and a tee-shirts.

After that accidental shopping, we went ate a"light"lunch. but we ended up eating v. heavy.

DCA (disny california adventures) was next on our list. We was just going to check out the rides and plan for our last day but i ended up riding the bumper cars. Sadly i had no one to bump.

We also got fast passes for the World of colour tonight but its raining heavily, Daddy said we may not go.

Its time for dinner now!Hope i can go!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

in the airport!

im posting this in the airport...we arrived at around 8 n i have been playing computor games until now. It's vvvvveeryyyyyyy exciting! Can't wait!